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Writer's pictureMüzeyyen Seyiş


TPACK stands for technical teaching content knowledge. It consists of the concepts of Technology, Content and pedagogy. It is a form of theory used to explain the subjects teachers should teach students and the knowledge required to be able to teach and use technology effectively. I think it works very well for both teacher and student. Keeping the technology separate from them all can cause problems, but once we understand the TPACK framework, we can integrate the technology into the content and pedagogy of the course. The integration will help our students learn more effectively. If the teacher can use these three methods together, it will be seen as successful. People who can successfully realize these theories in the future and now will be preferred in the business field.

Technology has been widely used in classroom settings. Even in the smallest class classes, there are individuals with excellent technical knowledge. According to the flow of the Age, it will always exist in this way and will even progress.

Can we find the right content in our training??? How important is good content production???

Here's changing educational practice styles from country to country, but for example, we examine the turkey, education and the heart in such a way that we can see that consists of the exam content. We create a uniform person who does not change by teaching classical information rather than making the student's interests and thinking and questioning.

If we look at pedagogical knowledge, this topic is about how the teacher can convey what he has and must convey to the student.

For example; can carry out training in cooperation with groups. In this way, he can use it in accordance with the TPACK technique. Inviting students to collaborate enables them to develop socially and learn to adapt to group work. If we come to the technology part of the technique in detail, technology is one of the most important educational tools in schools, courses and online training.

Does he take away the teacher's duty? I don't think such a thing will exist because education makes more sense when combined with technology and teachers. The more lacking a teacher who exists alone, the more meaningless technology alone will be. Technology at TPACK covers how to use tools and how to participate in education. For example; like using a smartboard. The teacher is asked to convey the technology to the student in the best way.

When we look at the result briefly, the correct use of technology is achieved by using the trio of content, pedagogy and technology together and correctly.

If you want to watch something about this topic with video, I can recommend this video, good views. :

Thank you for your interest :)

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