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Writer's pictureMüzeyyen Seyiş


The coronavirus epidemic, which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and is now vital for all of us, has caused a great change in our lives and continues to do so. While the world is trying to cope with the epidemic, we have to consider both our health and education, because our education style has started to be processed in a way that is very opposite to what is usual until today. Often, schools have switched to online education by interrupting face-to-face education. Although this situation can be considered as partially efficient for most people, it can be observed as a negative situation for as many people. So what could be an example of the factors that lead to these distinctions? Since our people are prone to face-to-face communication, what could they have experienced in such a radical change?

I want to examine them with you.

First, I want to look at the level of technology utilization or transportation level. In giving an example, let's examine turkey. In one study, 61% of students in the turkey has reached the conclusion that actively participate in class. What does this mean to you? If you ask me, I divide it into two as either the lack of facilities or the psychological effect of being online. If I come to the issue of lack of opportunities, according to the research, 60.25% of the students in the country have tablets and computers, but although this percentage is large, it shows that there is a large number of students who do not have this technological device, and these students are in front of the current conditions we can see that there are obstacles. Another additional information is that 40.3% of people with this computer and tablet have internet problems. Even though it portrays the image of how the problem could be, we receive education from home very comforting from afar, but we realize that social inequality also extends to this issue and is ignored. When we look at it psychologically, reasons such as the ending of social life that occur with the disease, the anxiety and fear caused by the disease have revealed psychological disturbances and unwillingness in most of the individuals.

Is there any solution?

Currently, no one can solve many problems arising from the students' participation in education from different regions and their geopolitical position. We are going through a period of uncertain when it will come to an end, and the whole world still remains in limited areas regarding the solution of education. Because scientists, healthcare professionals and technology experts do not know that they will encounter such a situation, the whole world was not ready for such a warning. It is clear that countries are caught unprepared to switch to online education. Do you think these things disappear in a year and we return to our old life? It is a subject open to discussion.

So, isn't online education any good?

Let's take a look at these now.

-Lack of space and time is a great advantage. The person will participate in the lessons as he/she wants as long as the opportunities allow, whether in the cafe or on the road.

- In situations where we needed to stay at home (such as when the pandemic was intense), most of our students ensured that our teaching process was not interrupted.

- The situation of causing transportation problems and costs is eliminated.

- Individuals with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses may also experience difficulties when they come to school. Distance education has given them a great advantage in this regard.

The online education process, which is a dilemma method with its advantages as well as its disadvantages, seems to continue in the world for a while. So what do you think about online education?

----- I am leaving you a short video explaining the process on this subject, maybe you want to take a look.


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