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  • Writer's pictureMüzeyyen Seyiş

Artificial Intelligence

People have become very interested in artificial intelligence. Do you think robots will take our place? if you ask me what artificial intelligence? I think we can say that thinking like a human brain and copying humanity. We humans actually caused the need for artificial intelligence and now we are developing a lot. In this blog post, I have collected the movies you can watch and the books you can read about artificial intelligence with a small introduction. I do not think that the articles will be enough to understand artificial intelligence, so by watching, you may learn about this magical world.


  1. Interstellar

  2. Black Mirror (series )

  3. Matrix

  4. Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)

  5. Terminator

  6. Westworld

  7. Blade Runner 2049

  8. Moon

  9. Metropolis (1927)

  10. Ex-Machina

  11. WarGames (1983)

  12. Minority Report

  13. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

  14. Robocop

  15. A.I. Artificial Intelligence

  16. Robot & Frank

  17. WALL-E

  18. I, Robot

  19. Prometheus

  20. Her

  21. I, Robot

  22. Bicentennial Man

  23. Prometheus,0

  24. Chappie

  25. I Am Mother

  26. Uncanny

  27. S1m0Ne


  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Philip C Jackson

  • The Master Algorithm: Pedro Domingos

  • Machine Learning: Tom M. Mitchell

  • How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed: Ray Kurzweil

  • Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: David Cycleback

  • Human Compatible: Stuart Russel

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